Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Welcome to the Nativity Parish School of Religion (PSR)

The PSR program is available to support parents, the first teachers of their children in the faith, in their mission of raising their children in the teachings of the Catholic faith. It is open to all active, registered members of Nativity Church.

Christian formation for children in grades K5 through eighth grade attending non-parochial schools meets on Sundays, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. in the school building. Parents are also encouraged to sign up their K4 students. A K4 class will be formed if there are enough students signed up and if there is an available catechist for this grade level. The link to the PSR Registration Packet contains a welcome letter, registration form (all children in a family may be registered on the same form), a PSR Parent Handbook, information and opt-out forms for the Teaching Touching Safety Program, and a PSR Calendar for the upcoming school year.

High school formation occurs within the context of Catholic Youth Ministry, CYM.

The parish strives to provide youth with opportunities to participate in local, state, and regional rallies, conferences and retreats. Please see the parish bulletin for the most updated information on current CYM activities for High School (9th -12th grade) and Middle School (6th – 8th grade) youth or contact the Director of Religious Education to have your e-mail address added to the High School or Middle School e-mail group for notifications of upcoming events. All Nativity Parish high school students are encouraged to participate and continue their faith formation.

Registration opens July 1, 2024

Download the PSR Registration Packet 2024-2025
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