We are excited to provide some opportunities for our middle school students!
The Middle School Youth Ministry invites our 6-8th graders to consider their faith journey toward heaven with a community of other Catholic youth striving for holiness! Find out what holy😇 and fun events we have planned for this year by contacting our Youth Leaders: Morgan Sell and Kaycee Meyer at
The parish strives to provide youth with opportunities to participate in local, state, and regional rallies, conferences and retreats. Please see the parish bulletin for the most updated information on current CYM activities for High School (9th -12th grade) and Middle School (6th – 8th grade) youth or complete the form below for notifications of upcoming events.
All Nativity Parish high school students are encouraged to participate and continue their faith formation.
Our Youth Ministry Leaders, Morgan Sell and Kaycee Meyer send news directly to this group, as well as our Director of Religious Education, Mary Smith.
To be added to the contact group for future announcements, please complete the form below. Leave blank any field that doesn't apply to you; it is not necessary to include more than one parent contact if you prefer only one be on the list.
WeConnect | By LPi