Beverly Blevins
Phyllis Cafiero
Anne Castelli
Ron Connick
Herman Connor
Arlene & Bill Crosby
Ed & Vi Defourneaux
William Doherty
Jake DuPree
Kathy Fowler
Angela Harbuta
Terry Harris
James Michael Huber
Dan Hughes
Myrtis Jenkins
Glenna Kornahrens
Tommy Lavelle
Mariano La Via
Delores Lopez
John Minaudo
Carole Moran
Billy Moran
Bill Mattingly
Charlie Organ
James Parker
Terry Parsons
Ed Pop
Louis Richter
James Romero
Fran Taylor
Caleb Theobald
Jerry Wade
PFC. Sam Whitnack
Courtney Wilson
Sally Wojcik
To have someone added or removed from this prayers list, please contact the office using the form below or by phone, 843-795-3821.
Please include an email and/or phone so that we may contact you, if we need to.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will follow up on your request as soon as possible. These requests will be included in the printed bulletin, as well.
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