Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil  5:30pm

Sunday  9:00am & 11:30am

Weekday Masses

Weekdays  11:30am

Rosary to follow  (except Thursday)

Adoration  Thursday at 12:00pm


Reconciliation  Saturday at 4:15pm

Ash Wednesday

March 5th Mass Times

  • 9:30am
  • Noon
  • 6:30 pm


We are not currently offering a nursery during worship, however, for worshipers with young children, a "cry room" is available during each Mass in the rear of the church, near the entrance that is behind the choir.

For parishioners interested in assisting with the re-establishing of the Nursery, during Sunday Mass, please contact Mary Smith, Director of Religion Education to indicate your interest and availability.

Up to Date Changes to Weekday Mass & Funerals

If you would like to receive emails directly, on the occasion that the regular weekday Mass is changed for a Funeral Mass, please subscribe to our Flocknote newsletter:

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