


For online giving, the parish uses myEoffering. Parishioners create their own account and manage their payment methods as they prefer.

Please have your Parish ID number when signing up.

Please contact us with questions.

Online Donations

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Scams & Phishing

Please know that we never ask for or accept banking or other payment information over the phone or email.

There have been bad actors making fake email accounts, posing as members of the parish office. Never send your personal information or otherwise click on these fake emails.

If you have any doubts about a communication, please call us or talk with us in person at Mass or during office hours.


Identifiable contributions to the parish must include your parishioner ID with either parish envelopes or myEoffering, or any other contribution method.

Some parishioners prefer to receive envelopes, as well as giving online. Either or both is fine.

NOTE: Changes to your contact information take two months to appear in the envelope cycle.

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