Ministries / Volunteer

Ministries / Volunteer

You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. …Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. Matthew 5: 14, 16

We put our faith into action is by using the gifts and talents God has given us for the good of others. Maybe you enjoy singing, or cooking, or teaching children. Or perhaps you feel called to help the sick or the poor. Whatever your gifts and talents may be, Nativity probably has a ministry for you. Please read the bulletin or e-mail the Point of Contact (POC) for more information about these ministries.

Please note that all volunteers for ministries are required by the Diocese of Charleston to complete background screening, codes of conduct, and educational training.

  • Liturgical Ministry

    Liturgical ministries serve the community during Mass. These ministries include lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, altar servers, ushers, and greeters. The liturgical ministry schedule is published every three months.

    POC: Father Kingsley,

    Communion to the Hospitalized and Homebound: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to patients in the downtown hospitals of Roper and M.U.S.C. Members of this ministry also bring the Eucharist to the homebound and those in assisted-living facilities on James Island.

    POC: Parish Office,

    Church Environment Committee: Members enrich our worship space with flowers and liturgically appropriate decorations.

    POC: Parish Office,

  • Music Ministry

    Music Ministry includes the Sunday 9:00 AM Mass choir, cantors for other Masses, and instrumentalists.

    POC: Courtney Reed,

  • Evangelism Ministry

    Alpha: The Alpha Course is a space to explore life’s big questions, to say what you think and to hear other people’s points of view. It’s is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome. Invite your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends. For information and to register go to

  • Religious Education

    Parish School of Religion (PSR): Catechists teach children in grades 1 -8 about the Catholic Faith and prepare them to receive their First Holy Communion and Confirmation. PSR is held on Sundays during the school year from 10:15 to 11 AM.

    POC: Mary Smith,

    Children’s Liturgy of the Word: This is an opportunity at the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass for children to gather in separate spaces and hear the Word of God proclaimed in simpler language. Catechists facilitate a child-friendly, interactive reflection on the readings.

    POC: Mary Smith. Volunteers are needed for the

    Nursery, which is in operation during the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass.

    POC: Parish Office,

    Note: All volunteers who work with children must complete background screenings and receive Safe Haven child protection training.

    R.C.I.A.: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an educational and spiritual journey for adults seeking to become full members of the Catholic Church. Volunteers serve as discussion leaders, sponsors, and in a variety of support functions.

    POC: Parish Office,

  • Community Building

    The Ladies Guild sponsors social events, service projects, and spiritual opportunities for the parish. For more information…

    POC: Parish Office,

    Senior Ministry promotes fellowship among parishioners age 50 and above. Senior ministry members get together once a month for lunch in the Parish Life Center.

    POC: Mary Smith,

    Bereavement Ministry prepares meals for parishioners who have suffered the death of a family member. The meal is brought to the family home on the day of the funeral.

    POC: Parish Office,

    Respect Life Nativity’s Respect Life Committee promotes respect for human life from the first moment of creation until the point of natural death through prayer, educatio

  • Service Organizations

    Our Lady of Mercy Outreach Center: Established in 1989 by the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, the Outreach Center encourages self-sufficiency and self-worth for people in need through education, wellness, and outreach services. Please see their website at for information about volunteer opportunities.

    James Island Outreach is a collaborative effort by several Churches on James Island to offer help to those in financial need. Among the services offered is a food pantry for the poor. James Island Outreach is located at 1872-C Camp Rd.

    POC: Parish Office,

    The Knights of Columbus is a service and fraternal organization of Catholic men. Their core principles are charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Knights of Columbus Council 6250 is based on James Island. Among their activities are pancake breakfasts at Nativity, charity golf tournaments, and participating in the Downs Syndrome Buddy Walk and the 40 Days for Life Campaign.

    POC: Parish Office,

    Meals on Wheels: The meals are prepared at the Charleston Area Senior Center and brought to the James Island Presbyterian Church. Volunteers deliver the meals to seniors on James Island. POC: Parish Office,

    Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic provides free medical care for low income, uninsured adults who live or work on Johns, James or Wadmalaw Island. The Free Clinic has numerous health care volunteer positions open. Please see their website at for information about volunteer opportunities.

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