Holy Baptism is the gateway of God’s grace to the soul. The Church strongly urges parents to baptize their children soon after birth so that they may benefit from God’s own divine life dwelling within them.
The birth of your child is such a gift! Let the Nativity parish help you give the gift of new birth through the waters of Holy Baptism.
For a Baptism at the Church of the Nativity, all requirements must be completed and forms received before scheduling.
Regarding Godparents: Godparents are practicing Catholics who promise to aid their godchild in learning and growing in the Roman Catholic faith. When choosing this most important role, at least one person must be a practicing Catholic and at least sixteen years old and, if married, must have been married validly according to Canon Law of the Catholic Church. Another baptized Christian may stand as a Christian witness, but such persons are not true godparents, who promise to help raise a child specifically in the Roman Catholic faith and to be a spiritual role model for our Catholic faith. It is strongly urged that both be practicing Catholics and, therefore, true Godparents.
If you are an adult seeking Baptism or more information on the Catholic faith, see
Adult Formation.
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