We strive to be a faith-centered, Catholic community. By virtue of Baptism, we are called forth to minister to one another the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through education, evangelization, social justice and ecumenism. We reach out in love, respect and support for all as we seek to do the will of God.
Saturday Vigil 5:30pm
Sunday 9:00am & 11:30am
Weekdays 11:30am
Rosary to follow (except Thursday)
Adoration Thursday at 12:00pm
Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15pm
Sun, Dec 22 directly after both Masses
Additional Times by appointment

Identifiable contributions to the parish must include your parishioner ID with either parish envelopes or myEoffering, or any other contribution method.
For online giving, the parish uses myEoffering. Please have your Parish ID number when signing up.
Vacation Bible School will be the week of
June 23-27, 2025
M-F from 9am to 12pm
Give kids a rock-solid foundation and point them to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakable friend forever! At Totally Catholic True North VBS, kids will be immersed in the Sacred Scripture and discover how to find their way in a world gone wild.
If you are interested in volunteering with VBS, please email Nicole O’Hara at or Mary Smith at
Once you have confirmed interest with Nicole or Mary, please contact Catherine Bowen in the parish office to complete the “Creating Safe Environments Program”. All adults must complete the program and be approved before volunteering.
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